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Relevant Volunteer and Organizational Work

Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and learn more about yourself.

Check out what I've been doing below:

Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity


I am currently an alumni of the Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) Fraternity Iota Rho chapter at East Carolina University. I have held positions within in my chapter that include Social Chair and Think Pink Week Sub-committee Chair. Through these positions, I have learned how to work well with other organizations and be a leader for others. As a ZTA member, I have been given the opportunity to volunteer with multiple organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club of Greenville, NC, and the Adopt A Highway program.

Zeta Tau Alpha's philanthropy is Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. We are partnered with Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The Iota Rho chapter holds an annual Cookout to Knockout Breast Cancer in April that raises money to go towards Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. We also conduct semi-annual Think Pink Week in which we choose one week each semester to raise money and awareness on East Carolina's campus. 

Dominican Republic Mission Trip



I was given the opportunity, through my home church, to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic in 2009, the summer going into my senior year of high school. A group of 20 teenagers and adults, including myself, partnered with CURE International to travel to the Dominican and raise morale within the hospitals. CURE International is a non-profit organization that operates over 20 hospitals in rural countries. They provide surgeries for children with cleft lips, clubfoot, untreated burns, and other conditions. We were also able to conduct multiple Vacation Bible Schools throughout the country while we were there 

This was a very rewarding experience for me and taught me a lot about myself. I learned how to communicate with others, even with a difficult language barrier since I speak little Spanish. I was able to see how others lived in different countries and experience a whole new culture, broadening my world view. This mission trip holds a special place in my heart, along with all of the wonderful people I met while I was there.


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